There are 4 steps to evaluating brand keyword investments – evaluate performance, then segment and calculate the incrementality, and adjust goals bas on that incrementality.
Advertising on brand keywords is often misunderstood. Advertisers either give brand keywords too much cr ibility or believe that brand keywords have absolutely zero impact.
The question that is often ask : Should we invest in brand keywords? However, the question we should ask is: How much should we invest in brand keywords to have a positive incremental ROI?
This article will answer this question in 4 steps:
How to judge the effectiveness of brand keywords
How to segment brand keywords
How to calculate incrementality for brand belize phone number library keywords
Summary: How to adjust goals bas on incrementality
As competition grows and brand keyword ad spend increases, it becomes increasingly important to have a clear brand strategy.
If you have low spend on brand keywords, this approach can still be very interesting, but you probably won’t get a good return on your time in the short term.
How to determine the effectiveness of brand keywords
First, let me emphasize the fundamental difference between shareholder data brand and generic keywords bas on customer intent, performance, and strategic focus:
Generic keywords: users show intent to buy, but have not yet (declar ) a brand preference. The strategic purpose of paid search advertising is acquisition. Here you can get more sales and new customers.
Brand keywords: Users are already searching for you. Basically bulk lead direct traffic. The strategic purpose of brand paid search is to defend yourself. You won’t gain additional sales or new customers, just make sure you don’t lose them to competitors or resellers.
These differences will also have a significant impact on how you evaluate performance: Brand keywords will generally have better performance than generic keywords. However, these are not additional clicks and sales. Brand keywords are much less incremental!