Ebrate achievements that promote

A more just society, like the right to vote and study. Be careful with stereotypes and messages that paint women as just mothers or overly focus on beauty and domestic themes.

How to do it right: International Women’s Day message should be about more than just appreciation. It’s about empowerment for girls and women, achievements, and equal rights. A great idea for a newsletter is to celebrate women in positions of power at your company or to partner with nonprofits and movements that support these efforts.

To really get it right

be sure to read our guides on Women’s Day south africa telegram data email marketing and subject lines for Women’s Day that dive deep into this holiday.

This email marketing campaign from Tamara Malas is supporting diversity and inclusivity, the main message being “founded and run by women:”

Tamara Malas’ email

Marketing campaign with the heading “empowered automate your sms marketing campaigns for efficiency women empower women” celebrating all women in their diversity
Source: Milled
This email marketing campaign from Ten Thousand Villages opted to highlight Roopa Mehta, CEO of Sasha, one of their suppliers, for a great Women’s Day message:

Email marketing

campaign from Ten Thousand Villages european union phone number lprofiling Roopa Mehta and showcasing her company’s handmade toys
Source: Milled
Second week of March
Mario Day (March 10th)

Mar-10 spells Mario! This is a fun low-stakes holiday that celebrates everyone’s favorite Italian plumber.

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