Understand Easy to Act on

Understand easy to act on Because if it takes a lot of energy for me . to figure out whatever you’re sending me video doesn’t matter what it is I’m just . gonna ignore it and not act on it So that’s not gonna change In fact . that’s gonna be more important than ever the more content there is Again some other . tips and tricks to develop this is again still you can use the cafe example .

but Then Once You Create

But then once you create the thing italy cell phone number list let’s say let’s stick to email or LinkedIn . written stuff Write it down read it out loud that helps you catch funny funny . way funny things in your writing Send it to your phone Is it legible on . your phone? Send it to a Gmail account and see if their little auto-responses work . for it And so again you can test it Aaron (3456) And then in terms .

 Structures I’m Just Gonna

Of structures I’m just gonna give you a couple how to use storytelling to engage cold calling leads examples Right here this call we . call this classic Classic is three parts In the end there’s so many varieties of . this If you Google cold email templates online you can get a million things But . basically you have a bridge which is like an introduction of why are you reaching . out to you at this time This could be so many reasons like I saw .

I Went to School Together

I went to school together I saw your company belgium business directory announce this so it’s basically why . you’re reaching out to me now The second is value What do you have to . offer that’s relevant and useful to them? Andy had a great example Even just mentioning . that they’re helping competitors could be it Something to catch their attention that you can . be relevant to a problem they’ve got And the third is called action So there’s .

A Lot of Ways You

A lot of ways you can move this but this is a really simple structure . whether you’re sending And this could be anything you send It could be an email . to your CEO; it could be an email to a prospect; it could be a . LinkedIn message to the So whatever you’re doing this is a really simple structure That’s . what you got to remember And I think we’re sharing the recording so I’m not .

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