Board Right Now I’m Gonna

Board right now I’m gonna make an introduction” So it’s an example it’s just one . example ’cause there’s a lot of ways you can go through this and in fact . I’ll throw in a chat you can get a free A whole chapter with exercises . on this topic but it’s one example of kinda rethinking who our customers are what . do they need how can we offer them a solution and also make it specific .

Enough That It Makes It

Enough that it makes it easier for them to new zealand cell phone number list see how we can be of . value to them right? Aaron (2638) Think of yourself as a radio station most of . us and by the way as humans our nature is to kinda do more and . I’m completely guilty of this If you’re a radio station and you’re like “Well we . do opera and jazz and hip-hop and rock” You end up confusing customers new listeners .

First You Say We Are the Rock Station You

First you say “We are the rock station” You cold calling leads: the power of consistency broadcast that clear signal right? That’s . the idea it’s like “What are you the best at? What’s your specialty”? In these . times you kinda need to go back and triple down on that to be even . more specific to cut through the noise and paralysis in a more finely sliced way . make it easier for people to say “Yes ” So this is probably the most .

Important Part of Adapting or

Important part of adapting or one of the belgium business directory key ones is just rethinking who should . you be approaching Aaron (2736) Now part of that is nailing a niche is messaging . and who needs you the most? What’s their problem? What are you gonna say to . them to get them interested? And I think that there’s this other bigger trend around . information overload I’m calling this the end of It’s the beginning of the end of .

Copycat Success and by Copycat

Copycat success And by copycat success what I mean is it’s easier than ever ’cause . there’s infinite information and there’s Content’s a commodity basically to go copy someone’s approach as . everyone publishes it There’s an email template that’s working for a bunch of people; I’ll . copy that I’ll paste it I’ll send it I’ll try it and you know what? . Great But because the information is starting to spread faster and faster as it will .

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