Scenario Planning What If Things 

“What if things go well?” The same or worse not forecasting Forecasts are . gonna be ridiculous So here’s just some samples of all the stuff going on with . outbound I had this EMEA outbound WhatsApp group about a few weeks ago again no . one was picking up the phone as Andy said there’s this time when everything started . to go down in the pioneer in the end of March mid-late March Aaron (2221) .

Everyone at Their Offices

And everyone at their offices was just south korea cell phone number list no one picking up the phone Then a . couple of weeks later everyone’s at home and people are picking up the phone I . got a note from someone that country by country they’re doubling down in one place . like Sweden and scaling back in others like the Netherlands and UK based on their . business and Sweden has been approaching the Coronavirus differently So slowing down to really look .

Case-By-Case What Are We

At case-by-case What are we doing where cold calling leads: aligning sales and marketing we spend our time and how do we . approach that target? For a lot of people LinkedIn is performing better than ever More . people are online on LinkedIn on YouTube on Netflix on whatever so you got to . pick your social channels there’s just more activity I don’t have data but I assume . that it’s true Makes sense; I’m on it more I think the whole point is .

No One Knows What’s Gonna

No one knows what’s gonna happen At some belgium business directory point there’ll be a new normal; we . don’t know when we don’t know what it’ll be like It won’t be the same . It might be 5% more virtual; it might be 25% more virtual No one knows . Aaron (2327) So we’ll just have to wait and see and day by day week . by week just kinda get through it Now besides throwing away your old expectations on .

What Should Be Happening If

What should be happening if you’ve ever heard of or read the book ‘Who Moved . My Cheese’ this is that perfect time for that book Another step is looking at . we say nailing a niche nailing your niche if you’re in the States and this . is the whole section from the ‘Impossible to Inevitable book’ I did that book with . Jason Lemkin It’s a sequel to Predictable Revenue And the reason the first part of .

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