We are already interacting with

We are already interacting with content that is “fake” on the internet, such as characters created by artificial intelligence or chatbots that make appointments and solve customer service problems. Synthetic media uses a set of data (people, voices, movements, videos, etc.) to teach certain behaviors to algorithms. The result, then, is digital content with a realistic appearance — so realistic that sometimes it is difficult to know whether or not it is made of flesh and blood! An already known example is Miquela — a digital influencer created by artificial intelligence, but with real stories, followers and sponsors.

Characters like her are called

Characters like her are called CGI (computer-generated vnpay data imagery) influencers and are coming into the sights of brands. CGI Influencers Source: @lilmiquelaHowever, at the same time as synthetic media can be used to create characters with commercial appeal, replace actors in action films and automate dubbing of foreign films, it can also generate fake news. It is no coincidence that Facebook banned deep fakes — digitally manipulated non-truthful content — on its platform. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the use that humanity will make of this technology.

We are all being trackedSmile

We are all being trackedSmile, you are being tracked! Internet giants know cold calling leads: metrics that matter what content you publish, which streets you pass through every day, which websites you accessed today and which products you purchased in the last year. Your travel habits, your credit card debt, your face, your tone of voice, even your body temperature can be monitored, whether by governments or companies. This can even happen in your home, where you have complete privacy, right? But your body temperature when watching TV, the times you set the alarm, ambient noise at night and signals from your devices are some data that your home can inform.

It is enough to be

It is enough to be alive to produce and issue data to organizations that are 1000 mobile phone numbers cataloging people for various purposes. These organizations know your life very well, define what kind of citizen or consumer you are, and make decisions for you — like what advertising you should see or, at more dizzying levels, which public places you can go to. With proper permission, a home’s digital emissions can also be used to optimize smart home technologies and personalize products to your needs.

China’s social control is an

China’s social control is an extreme example. Faced with the new coronavirus pandemic, the country used mass surveillance to control the spread of the disease with facial recognition, tracking of infected people, body temperature detectors in public places and social media monitoring. Tech Trends Source: UOLIt is clear that, despite the benefits to contain the coronavirus, these measures were accused of violating privacy and serving to persecute government opponents and social minorities. Once again, technology can be used for good and for bad.

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