When the message is sent via email , it can be longer and should be as personalized as possible. In addition, in this case, correctly applying advertising language becomes crucial from the first moment, since the subject of the email itself must awaken that need to click. This implies using phrases such as don’t miss it, last chance, important notice or something that encourages opening it. As for the content, there must be a balance between information and persuasion.
And finally, when using a website as a communication channel, in addition to clear and detailed information about the product or service , with keywords for SEO, CTAs must be included directly and clearly .
What must be clear is that there is no communication channel that is better than another, but the message must be adapted to the style and tone expected on that specific platform to be truly effective.
Creativity in the construction of effective advertising messages
Any advertising message, in addition to using language appropriate to the situation, must be creative in order to capture the public’s attention. Creativity can be represented through double meanings, wordplay, metaphors, humor or any original element capable of attracting the consumer’s attention. It is therefore a matter of using an innovative idea, giving an unexpected twist to the message or doing something unexpected that resonates with the recipient. Of course, it must always be done with common sense, in a respectful manner and, above all, taking into account the medium, context and situation in which the public will receive that message.
What has been proven is that creativity generates a much more emotional and intellectual response, and the public tends to be more receptive to this type of more original messages, achieving greater connection and persuasion.
The use of inclusive and ethical language in digital campaigns
Although throughout this article the importance of using techniques or resources such as storytelling or creativity to give even more strength to the advertising message has been emphasized, the language used must always be inclusive and ethical .
Inclusive language is considered to be that which reflects social and cultural diversity and avoids negative stereotypes or discrimination. In whatsapp number list addition, the message must be completely ethical, which implies avoiding the use of offensive phrases or images or those that may hurt the sensibilities of certain groups. It is also important to highlight that it is the company’s responsibility to be honest and transparent in order to generate trust and Advantages and disadvantages credibility, not only to improve brand reputation, but also to generate a respectful environment.
How to measure the effectiveness of advertising language in your digital marketing campaigns
To know whether an advertising campaign selling products through one-page has been successful or not and whether the way in which the message has been delivered has been truly effective, certain metrics must be taken into account. One of them is the conversion rate , which is the percentage of users who perform the desired action after interacting with the ad, post, email or message itself. Another key metric is the CTR , which is the percentage of users who click on the ad in relation to the total number of impressions. In this way, you can know if the message has aroused the interest or emotion that was expected.
Other important data that can also help changsha mobile phone number list determine the effectiveness of advertising language is engagement , especially on social Advantages and disadvantages networks; and the bounce rate .
If it is detected that the campaign is not working, a sentiment analysis can be carried out to evaluate what emotion the message generates in the public, or surveys can be carried out to find out the opinion of consumers.