Advertising language in digital marketing

People with creative talents and certain problem-solving skills should also be included , as they are the ones who have the greatest facility for proposing and presenting ideas. Of course, this should only be done if they are respectful and polite with the opinions of others.

These types of dynamics are also interesting when formed with people who belong to different hierarchical levels or even who are external to the team , since very different, but also interesting, ideas and proposals can arise. Of course, the ideal is that the group is made up of between 5 and 10 people so that the dynamic is fluid and optimal and that there is a moderator or person in charge.

Effective techniques to promote proper brainstorming


There are certain techniques that can help make brainstorming much more effective, such as brainwriting , which is ideal for groups in which there are several introverts. In this case, instead of saying ideas or proposals out loud, they are written on paper to avoid the pressure of speaking in public.

Mind mapping

You can also use Mind Mapping , which consists of placing the main idea in the centre of a piece of paper or a whiteboard and drawing ideas and subtopics as branches. It is ideal when the objective is to generate a more visual dynamic and establish europe cell phone number list connections between different proposals.

Then there are other techniques that can also be very useful, such as SCAMPER , which consists of asking yourself seven questions that can help create and improve ideas:


Five Whys Technique

Or the five whys technique, which consists of asking five consecutive questions with the aim of delving into the cause of a problem or situation. By asking “why?” repeatedly, you can go beyond the superficial symptoms to identify the root of statistayou can find more infographics on the problem. It is a simple and effective tool that allows for a deeper analysis and finding lasting solutions.

How to structure a brainstorming session

In addition to everything mentioned so far, for a brainstorming session to work it is important that there is a structure or order.

First of all , the objective of the activity and the problem or topic to be addressed must be clearly defined and stated . Then, once Advertising language this part has been decided, the appropriate participants must be selected . Ideally, as we mentioned above, these people should have knowledge and experience on the topic, although the group should be as diverse as possible to obtain different points of view and a greater variety of ideas.

Once the dynamic has started, which can changsha mobile phone number list be through a question or the presentation of a situation, all the ideas and proposals that arise should be noted down . They are all important, so it is important not to miss a single one.

What to do after finishing the brainstorming session

Once the brainstorming process is over, an overall evaluation or assessment of the proposed solutions should be carried out . This involves carrying out a feasibility analysis, filtering and developing each one until only those tha t  Advertising language could be the solution to the problem are left. And, of course, a person responsible for implementing these ideas or proposals should be chosen, as well as for monitoring them . Based on the results obtained, the possibility of applying a series of changes or trying another idea or proposal should be assessed.

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