The benefits of a free swimming style

The benefits of a Another advantage of the free swimming style is its beneficial effects on health. Swimming improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles, increases flexibility and coordination of movements. In addition, water has a massive effect on the skin and increases the overall tone of the body.

The history of the development of the free style of swimming

The first mention of freestyle style appear at the end of whatsapp lead the 19th century, when swimmers began experimenting with new ways of moving in water. However, for many years, the freestyle style did not have strict technology and rules, and swimmers us different methods of movement.

In 1902, an association of swimmers was creat

In the Unit States, which establish the first rules for freestyle. At first it was possible to use any way of movement, including swimming on the back. In addition, swimmers were allow to breathe at any time, which did not limit them in comfort and swimming efficiency.

However, in the 1930s, freestyle

Technology began to undergo serious changes. During this period, swimmers began to realize that certain movements and techniques help them achieve pros of hiring a digital marketing agency? greater spe and efficiency in swimming. The most noticeable change in style technique occurr in the 1950s, when American swimmer John George was the first to start using «golf last » — foot movement, which allows the swimmer to move more efficiently in water.

Over time, freestyle technology continu to improve

In 1972, the International Swimming Feration (FINA) establish strict rules and technology for freestyle, which swimmers must observe in competitions. Since then, swimmers have been training to achieve maximum efficiency and spe in freestyle. Today, freestyle is one of the most develop and competitive swimming styles, which is us by belize lists professional swimmers around the world.

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