A great source of data to innovate with?

An additional advantage is that Pinterest places much more emphasis on the visual aspect than Facebook. Visual content invites sharing, in this case ‘repinning’. To clarify: RJMetrics tells us that the Twitter feed consists of only 1.4% retweets.  russia telegram data Pinterest easily bulldozes over that with 80% ‘re-pins’. It’s all about sharing, sharing and sharing. In short: a brilliant pin has a great chance of going as viral as Q fever in no time.

Not just because it’s fun

Because it generates tons of traffic! Techcrunch, Search Engine Watch, Shareholic . A great source of  et cetera. Everywhere you see that Pinterest already generates more referrer traffic than Twitter. So it’s up to webshops to expand their focus or even shift it to Pinterest. Really. Getting in too late is not a matter of missing the boat. You’re missing a supertanker of opportunities.

Cookie bite cookies

And that’s not all. The possibilities with Pinterest for web shops reach to the  elux legend vape: the ultimate choice for vaping enthusiasts horizon and that is far from being reached. It is becoming possible for web shops to create lob directory personal shop windows. A web shop that knows what you are going to choose, even before you do. Digital shelves that dangle your pinned dream products in front of you like cookie bite cookies.

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