Bad for SEO Computer Key Showing Internet

Marketing And OptimizationDid you know that the links on your website play an important part in its success. If you did not know that before, now you do! And the good news is that by knowing this, you can use it to your advantage! If your website has have links that are invisible (i.e., you cannot see them – for example, hidden links where the text is the same color as the background), Google and other Search Engines will think that something suspicious is going on.

When that happens it can end up with a penalty

When that happens, your SEO ranking drops. Having usa phone number data hidden links makes no sense! Many people are not actively doing this (well, most ‘good people’ are not), however, if you are using a free ‘roague’ WordPress theme, you have have these hidden links on your website. Check out the plugin, Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC). TAC searches the source files of every installed theme for signs of malicious code.

Phone Number Data

If such code is found

TAC displays the path to the theme file, the line i get questions asked about number, and a small snippet of the suspect code. As of v1.3 TAC also searches for and displays static links. Broken links (as well as links that lead off of your website that are broken) that consistently bring people to non-existnat pages or error messages will make the search engines (Google, Bing, yahoo, etc.) think that the site is not being maintained, or that you do not care for your people enough.

They think, “If this site is falling apart with bad tg data links, how good can it be?” To help find any broken links, check out the plugin, Broken Link Checker. A few of the features include: Monitors links in your posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and custom fields (optional). Detects links that don’t work, missing images and redirects. Notifies you either via the Dashboard or by email. Makes broken links display differently in posts (optional).

Prevents search engines from following broken links (optional). Highly configurable. Of course, links to “bad” websites (suspicious websites, including porn, hacking, or malware-ridden sites) can also cause trepidation on the search engines’ part. Link to them, and who knows what will happen to your ranking (probably NOT want you want…) The best way to monitor that is to NOT link to those sites. What else do you do to help with your SEO? Leave a comment and let me know.

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