Edge computing (or edge computing)

Edge computing (or edge computing) allows processing at the “edge” of the network, that is, close to the user or data source, as opposed to cloud computing. With closer processing, the user benefits from faster and more reliable services. This becomes clearer when we think about virtual reality technologies or smart cars, for example, which require real-time decision making, without latency, unavailability or insufficient bandwidth. Quantum and edge computing will allow humanity to better deal with the amount of data that classical computing is unable to process.

We probably won’t stop using

We probably won’t stop using our computers and devices today, but chinese overseas america data these technologies tend to transform the way we work, learn and relate. What about the new coronavirus? The Tech Trends survey was launched at the beginning of March, before the world experienced a calamity due to Covid. Therefore, all the trends predicted for the year were crossed by the pandemic, which can modify, accelerate or delay technological transformations, in addition to changing global geopolitics. Given the need to combat the disease, for example, social surveillance technologies can be more widely used and improved, even in democratic countries that have stricter regulations in this regard.

The market’s adaptation to social

The market’s adaptation to social isolation, with the adoption of remote work crafting the perfect pitch for cold calling leads and distance solutions, can also highlight the importance of technology in organizations. At the same time, the global shutdown in the face of the pandemic could hamper the progress of research and product development. Because they are not used to face the disease and the calamity situation, some technologies are being temporarily left aside. Economic and political relations also tend to change in the face of the pandemic.

The spread of the virus

The spread of the virus has shown that the world no longer has borders, which 1000 mobile phone numbers could exacerbate nationalist and protectionist measures. At the same time, the pandemic also shows the importance of solidarity, rather than competition, to overcome a humanitarian crisis when there is a greater and overwhelming enemy. Therefore, it is now necessary to analyze the technology scenario with the uncertainties brought by the coronavirus. After this dark time, it will be possible to analyze more clearly the trends that will shape the world in the coming years.

For your business it is

For your business, it is important to analyze these trends and the impact of this global crisis in alignment with your strategic planning. According to Amy Webb, organizations should not worry about predictions, but about their preparation for what is coming, as trends serve to help anticipate scenarios of a future full of uncertainties. Therefore, take advantage of the research to evaluate risks and opportunities in these scenarios, how trends corroborate or challenge your planning and how you can make better decisions to strengthen your business.

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