Get ready to see surgeries

Get ready to see surgeries performed with holography, teams trained in virtual environments and factories managed with augmented reality.Digital interfaces in developmentSource: Microsoft HololensHowever, a challenge for the popularization of these technologies is still the cost and quality of the solutions. Engineers work on improvements in resolution, depth of field, data processing and dynamic D-shapes, for example, to qualify solutions. The expectation is that they will become more everyday as smart glasses replace the smartphone as our main personal device.

Investments by big techs in

Investments by big techs in agricultureIt may seem strange, but  vk data that’s right: big technology companies are investing in hi-tech farms and agriculture. Microsoft, for example, has two farms in the USA where it is testing an agricultural automation pilot program. Amazon is already conducting research to develop an “indoor farm”. Experiments like these seek to develop new methods of cultivation, irrigation, artificial lighting, in addition to the use of data to modernize agriculture. Therefore, some of the most powerful companies in the world, as well as new startups (called AgTechs) are paying attention to this sector.

In this interview Amy Webb

In this interview, Amy Webb states that this is one of the main trends maximizing roi from cold calling leads for Brazil, which is a country closely linked to agribusiness. But why is this happening? Here’s a basic reason: everyone needs food to survive. However, climate change is affecting agriculture, which is also affected by it. Given this scenario, this sector tends to undergo a major transformation in the coming years in search of more productive, profitable and sustainable solutions. And companies are getting ahead of themselves.

China and the new world

China and the new world orderHere is a trend to watch in the post-coronavirus 1000 mobile phone numbers world: China’s strength in world relations. This trend was already present before COVID-, but the pandemic tends to change this scenario. In the last two decades, China overtook the United States as the world’s main exporter on all continents, except North America. In the domestic market, the country also stands out: the forecast was that, in , China would become the largest film market in the world, with projected revenue of US$ billion.

Add to this a rigid

Add to this a rigid and centralizing government, which has exacerbated social control, but which implements long-term plans and has an educated and trained workforce. Furthermore, it invests heavily in digital infrastructure, artificial intelligence, big data, bioengineering and space technology. For these reasons, Tech Trends points to the emergence of a new world order in which China emerges as the leader. However, the coronavirus pandemic could change the dynamics of global geopolitics — we still don’t know how.

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