Passive Aggressive Copywriting Implementation Generates +240% New Visitor Conversions

One of the most common tests is A/B testing . In short, A/B testing is an experimental method that tests two versions of an element to see which version produces the best results in achieving a specific goal.

A/b testing can be done through various different approaches and mediums. Through this blog, we will describe one of the. Tests that has been conducted by our team at cmlabs with the passive. Aggressive copywriting approach along with the final results. Check out the full explanation below!

The cmlabs internal team has conducted. Testing efforts in terms of copywriting on our tools page to maximize up-selling methods.

We implemented this testing strategy

By adding new elements to the tools page, we are trying to make tools users interested in learning more about the services offered by cmlabs.

As a company engaged in the Business to Business (B2B) sector, we feel that there are some limitations to doing the up selling method. However, in the end, we tried an approach that is a little unique and different from most B2B companies.

The A/B testing method at cmlabs is carried out by utilizing a type of copywriting that seems a little “annoying” to users, namely Passive Aggressive Copywriting.

What is Passive Aggressive Copywriting ?Have you ever heard of this type of copywriting ? Passive Aggressive Copywriting is a style of copywriting that uses language or tone that implies criticism, sarcasm, or an aggressive message indirectly.

When writing Passive Aggressive Copywriting, you can convey messages or weaknesses of the target readers in a subtle way, criticize, or use humor with a touch of irony to convey messages that are actually critical and challenging to them.

This method is considered quite effective

Attracting the audience’s attention because it directly touches their emotions and makes them feel “challenged”.

However, its use also has risks, especially if the audience does not understand the context and original meaning in the copywriting . Therefore, before implementing this strategy, you need to understand well how users’ habits are and what they need.

Additionally, it is also important to consider the cultural context and brand values ​​when using this type of copywriting to ensure that the message conveyed remains ethical and does not harm the company’s reputation.

Picture a library full of books, each one telling the tale of a different person. Similar operations apply to a phone number library, which centers on the phone number library digital domain of contacts. Not only is it important to store numbers, but it’s also important to document the enormous web of human connections that they represent. Essentially, each phone number is a link waiting to be established or renewed.

phone number library

Implementation of Passive Aggressive

Copywriting on the Word Counter and Title & Meta Description Checker tools pages.
Figure 1: Implementation of Passive Aggressive Copywriting on the Word Counter and Title & Meta Description Checker tools pages.
Word Counter: In this tool , the user’s expectation is to know the number of words and keyword density that they are targeting. Therefore, we emphasize that there are more strategies that need to be implemented than just reviewing the number of words.

Title & Meta Description Checker: When using this tool , users tend to want to review whether the title and meta description they created are suitable to appear in SERP. We take this opportunity to assure users that we can suggest titles and meta descriptions with much better performance.

Implementation of Passive Aggressive Copywriting on the Robots.txt Checker and Keyword Permutation Generator tools pages.

Figure 2: Implementation of Passive

Aggressive Copywriting on the Robots.txt Checker and Keyword Permutation Generator tools pages.
Robots.txt Checker: This tool is often used by technical SEO experts. By implementing Passive Aggressive Copywriting on this page, we try to convince tool users that our team of SEO experts are much more experienced and can provide meta ads: create sponsored campaigns on facebook and instagram more strategic services.

Keyword Permutation Generator: Usually, this tool is used to shorten the time in the keyword research process. However, of course the results are less strategic because this tool only helps speed up the keyword generation process. Therefore, we present Passive Aggressive Copywriting to “hint” at users that they actually need more than just this tool .

 Determine the purpose of A/B testing

Before conducting this A/B test, we first determine the goals we want to achieve. In this test phase, we aim to increase visits to the cmlabs Services page from the tools page.

Identify the Variables to be Tested
After determining these objectives, we canada email lead then identify the variables to be tested.

This time, we did A/B testing on 4 tool pages , namely Word Counter , Title & Meta Description Checker , Robots.txt Generator, and Keyword Permutation Generator.

Reasons for Selecting Testing Pages
Before conducting A/B testing, we ran a series of checks to find out which pages had the highest number of visitors from all cmlabs tools .

Furthermore, because cmlabs provides two types of languages ​​(English and Indonesian) for each page, the total number of pages we tested was 8 (eight) pages.

Determining the Type of Copywriting

We decided to use Passive Aggressive Copywriting to touch the emotions of cmlabs tool users .

Through this type of copywriting , we try to emphasize the sense of doubt in users so that they feel that using tools alone is not enough and that they still need our services to get a more significant impact overall.

The creation of this copy with a passive aggressive nuance took approximately 2 weeks. The things we paid attention to included:

Who are the majority of tool users ?
The level of sensitivity of tool users to this type of copywriting ensures that the message conveyed does not turn around and create a negative impression.
Their expectations when using each tool.
Phrases and words that might arouse the emotions of tool users.

Let the experiment run for a fixed

Period of time to collect enough data so that the analysis results can be more significant.

This time period depends on the sample size being sufficient and potential to observe significant differences between groups. At cmlabs, we conducted this A/B testing for approximately 30 days. We conducted the tracking process with the help of cmlabs internal data looker and involved several expert teams such as the Data Specialist team, Visual team, and Marketing team.

Analysis of Results
After testing is complete, we then review the data by comparing the results from each test group.

Some goals that you might want to achieve include conversion rates, clicks, retention rates, and more.

In this A/B testing effort , cmlabs aims to maximize visits and redirections from the tools page to our service page. Broadly speaking, this is our attempt at upselling.

We calculated the success of this

Daily trends show significant fluctuations in the performance of component A and component B.
Compound A only shows click activity on 7 specific days during this testing period.The percentage of users who interacted with component B in A/B testing.
Figure 7: Percentage of users who interacted with component B in A/B testing.
Based on the pivot table above, the average number of users who click on floating component B is 5.25%, while the average number of users who click on component A is only 0.8%.


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