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Selling products through one-page websites is one of the most popular types of online trading. Companies create landing pages to present one or more currently in-demand products to the audience. The appeal of the format is due to the fact that a one-page website is much cheaper than a full-fledged website.

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Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC

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To make a landing page, you don’t have to be a professional in web programming. You’ll only need basic skills in using graphic programs, and in a few hours you’ll create a selling page with your own hands.

Despite its simplicity, a one-page website can provide a business with a fairly high level of sales, since it has the following advantages:

    1. Offers the audience a product that is in high demand.
    2. Tells about only one product, thereby attracting increased attention to it.
    3. Contains a short and clear sentence.
    4. Easy to navigate, allowing the client to immediately find the necessary information and fill out the order field without any problems.
    5. Loads faster than a full-scale website.
  1. Suitable for promoting any products, be it equipment, cosmetics or books. The only condition is that the product is sent by mail or courier service.
  2. Provides the opportunity to work online: you only need to have Internet access and visit a post office.
  3. Provides a prospect of earning money to people regardless of gender, age and other factors. Students, young mothers and pensioners can sell goods through one-page sites.
  4. Doesn’t require professional education or experience: landing pages are created using templates in a matter of hours. The main thing is to devote time to this business, at least a couple of hours daily.

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