This serves as a warning not to get caught up in generalizations and we always seek to contrast external facts with the particular reality of each business. What are the types of crises and their main causes? There are internal and external crises. Internal crises occur when the causes are related to internal factors, such as poor management, unsuccessful advertising campaigns, financial problems or improper conduct by employees. External crises occur when the triggering agents are found outside the organization and affect several companies, such as economic downturns or public health issues.
We can also classify crises
We can also classify crises according to their cash app data size (limited to the company; regional; national or global) and by their duration (short, medium or long term). As our objective here is to find solutions and ways to direct Marketing in times of crisis, the ideal is to understand the nature of these events to know the best way to act, right? Check out the main types of crisis below according to areas of greatest impact and their main causes (or triggers)! Operational crisesOperational crises are cited by % of Brazilian managers interviewed by PwC and are the main type of crisis experienced by companies in the country.
These problems may be associated
These problems may be associated with factors secrets of high-performing cold calling teams such as: operational failures; product defects; failures in the integrity of goods; problems in the supply chain; competitive or market disruptions. Financial crisesFinancial crises are the second most cited type of crisis among Brazilian leaders. They can arise from: cash or liquidity problems; disagreements with shareholders; large investments with low returns. Technological crises Brazil still faces difficulties in the computerization and automation of industries, offices and businesses, although the incentive to adopt new technologies has been growing over the years.
Technological crises are the third
Technological crises are the third most deb directory common type of crisis among the Brazilian companies analyzed, and can be linked to issues such as: failures in equipment or information systems; difficulties in introducing essential technologies; cybercrimes. Humanitarian crisesHumanitarian crises are those whose implications involve the security, rights or health of populations or society as a whole. In general, they cause serious problems in different areas and usually occur due to: political or geopolitical tensions; natural disasters; health crises; terrorism.
Legal crisesLegal crises in large
Legal crisesLegal crises in large companies are frequently reported in the press, but the problem is not restricted to large businesses. This type of situation generally unfolds into other types of crisis, such as financial complications (blocking of resources and falling shares) and reputational complications (loss of credibility in the market). They are generally related to: legal or regulatory problems; lack of ethics (or corruption); processes. Human capital crisesHuman capital or people management crises concern adversities related to investors, managers or employees of a company.