The new military technology industry It is impossible to think about a new world order without considering the military power of each nation. And we’re not exactly talking about weapons and atomic bombs — future battles will be fought in codes, algorithms, data and automation. Countries that are leaders in AI development — the USA, China, Israel, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and South Korea — are also developing their “technological weapons”, with at least some type of automation.
Furthermore North American giants are
Furthermore, North American giants are forming partnerships 99 acres data with military and intelligence bodies to carry out research, develop services and test technologies in the most diverse circumstances for the benefit of national security. The CIA, for example, made a million-dollar contract with Amazon to develop cloud services. Microsoft was hired to develop Hololens for the US Army (although it generated a lot of controversy).Military technologySource: Next Reality A new economy of trustWe already live in a world where people get into strangers’ cars to get around town and stay in strangers’ houses when they are traveling.
Users don’t think twice before
Users don’t think twice before providing their data to companies that can leveraging data to enhance cold calling leads use it in shady ways. We also live in the era of fake news and are moving towards deep fakes. We transact in cryptocurrencies and trust blockchain systems to move our money. New technologies allow new relationships to be established with people and systems around the world, without any proximity, physical contact or prior knowledge. Therefore, among the conclusions, the research points to the emergence of a new “economy of trust”.
In this new economy new
In this new economy, new products and solutions will be created to provide 1000 mobile phone numbers more security to people in their relationships and transactions and in the consumption of content. This is essentially important for companies and governments, which deal with sensitive data and need information security systems with extreme reliability. However, at the same time that systems are created to increase trust, solutions can also emerge to manipulate people’s trust. This serves not only small frauds, but also large economic and political interests.
A new era of computingTech
A new era of computingTech Trends research announces: we are at the beginning of a new era of computing. For the first time, the concepts of quantum computing and edge computing appeared as trends and could transform the way we live. Quantum computing (or quantum computing) brings the phenomena of quantum physics to computer science. Concepts such as superposition and interlacing provide countless combination possibilities, which surpass the classical binary system ( and ). This brings the possibility of creating computers with a much higher processing speed than classical computing allows.