The solution to the situation

The solution to the situation was Digital Marketing, a solution that César discovered when taking a course at FGV in Goiânia. With the help of partners, he created a blog for Alusolda, started making materials available on social media and generating leads using Landing Pages. Case AlusoldaSource: AlusoldaPaulo César, owner of Alusolda, receiving the Visão Agro award. The project was a success. The public interaction was enormous and right from the beginning the company began to grow again, later reaching a higher level compared to before the crisis.

Carrefour: the importance of positioning

Carrefour: the importance of positioning yourself quickly india car owner data and ethically This story shows us how crises can arise at any time and how failed communication can worsen the situation and increase the severity of problems. It all started in November in the municipality of Osasco, São Paulo, when activists reported a case of animal abuse around a Carrefour supermarket. An outsourced security guard from the company allegedly poisoned and beat Manchinha, a small dog that used to live there.

marketing in times of crisis:

Case marketing in times of crisis: CarrefourSource: Folha de São PauloThe attacks were filmed and went viral on social media, which culminated in a large movement for animal protection. However, what could have been an isolated event ended up turning into a major image crisis when Carrefour spoke out, transferring all responsibility for the case to the attacker and the zoonosis center. The brand also took a long time to speak out and even abused ready-made phrases in its messages, which was perceived by the public as a sign of indifference.

After all this the company

After all this, the company had to recant and, the engaging cold calling leads with confidence following year, the Public Ministry of São Paulo announced that a Term of Commitment had been signed in which the company committed to depositing R$ million in funds for animal care.Covid-: how to deal with an unprecedented crisis?The new Coronavirus pandemic is already treated by international authorities as the crisis of the century, something with impacts comparable to the Second World War. In this unprecedented scenario, managers and Marketing professionals find themselves very anxious and confused, but some facts can help us deal with the situation with a little more calm and understanding.

Check it out You are

Check it out. You are not alone Remember that it deb directory is not just your company that is facing problems, everyone is being affected: your employees, your partners, your suppliers, your competitors, your customers, etc. Therefore, we must always analyze the situation in its entire context. People need companies and companies depend on other companies, therefore, partnerships and joint actions have never been more necessary. Consumption has not stopped and will not stop People depend on products and services of all types and many sectors continue to operate normally, the world has not stopped and will not stop.

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