To do this however your

To do this, however, your brand needs to understand the video formats available on the platform.Second videosThe main format on Snapchat are the famous second videos. They are deleted about hours after being shown to the public.Video for SnapchatTechnical guiderecommended size: x ;aspect ratio: :;maximum video file size: MB;accepted formats: .MP and . MOV;video length: from to seconds.Long VideoFor ads, Snapchat offers the option of a long video to display to users. These videos are those that are shown among each person’s Stories.

for SnapchatThey are the best

Video for SnapchatThey are the best option for companies that want paytm data to achieve a greater reach, especially because they allow more communication time.Technical guiderecommended dimension: x ;aspect ratio: : or :;maximum video file size: GB;accepted formats: . MP and .MOV;maximum video length: seconds.Video Size for PinterestPreviously, Pinterest only accepted video links from other platforms (especially YouTube). If you wanted to promote audiovisual material there, you had to host it somewhere else and take the link to Pinterest.

for PinterestThis has changed Now

Video for PinterestThis has changed. Now, Pinterest accepts hosting videos maximizing roi from cold calling leads on its own platform. There are two formats: a square and a vertical. Both can be used for content or ads. In the case of videos promoted on the platform, advertisers can choose the content format (square or vertical) in the ads manager. Another difference is that these videos allow a description of, at most, characters.Technical guide:recommended dimensions for square format: x;aspect ratio for square format: :;recommended dimensions for vertical video: Complete Guide to PinterestVideo Size for TwitterThere are times when what we have to say doesn’t fit in characters.

In these cases it’s worth

In these cases, it’s worth using that maxim: a picture is worth a thousand 1000 mobile phone numbers words (and a video is many images together!) Video for TwitterOn Twitter, videos run in two positions: landscape or portrait. To make things easier, the specifications are exactly the same for regular content or ads. Video for TwitterIn fact, the message is worth it: tweets promoted with videos save half of your costs per engagement. If you’re going to use Twitter Ads, use it with videos, ok?Technical guidelandscape mode dimensions: x , x or x ;portrait mode dimensions: x , x and x ;minimum dimensions: x ;maximum dimensions: x ;maximum video file size: MB;maximum video duration: seconds;maximum frame rate: fps;recommended formats: .

MP for the web version

MP for the web version and .MOV for the mobile version.Video size for LinkedInLinkedIn is still moving forward in relation to videos and, perhaps for that reason, it is the best time to go all out in this area (after all, there is less competition and more space to stand out).There are two ways to work with videos on LinkedIn, each with its own particularities. Shared VideoThe only way to upload a video to the social network, whether in LinkedIn Pulse posts or articles, is through shared video.

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