Is email marketing a very important part of your marketing strategy? Then you shouldn’t miss out on the upcoming email marketing trends for 2025. In order to continue to achieve good results with your email marketing strategy or to finally give it the push it needs! it is very important that you stay up to date with the latest trends in digital marketing .
In this article we have compiled the email marketing trends for 2025 that will be most relevant so that you don’t have to look any further. Are you ready?
Hyperpersonalization with Artificial Intelligence
Simply typing in recipients’ names as a way to personalize your emails will no longer be enough in 2025. It’s time for you to take the plunge and use personalization tools developed with Artificial Intelligence capable of analyzing complex data and sending unique emails to each user.
Personalized discounts! product suggestions based on search history! messages that adapt to the user’s location… There are many ways in which you can hyper-personalize your email marketing strategy . So much so that this technology can help you optimize the sending times of your messages.
All of this can help you achieve higher click-through rates in your email marketing strategies! and tools like Braze can help you implement this trend.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on mobile devices
A mobile-first approach should continue to be a part of your email marketing strategy! as most emails are read on these devices. Therefore! when designing your emails! keep in mind how they will be viewed on smartphones. In fact! our advice special database would be to prioritize this.
In this sense! it will continue to be important to optimize images so that they load quickly without sacrificing quality! as well as ensuring that the font is large enough so that users do not need to zoom in and feel comfortable reading your email.
Voice email ! one of the email marketing trends for 2025 that you can’t forget
The use of smart speakers and voice assistants What email marketing is increasing. According to Statista ! almost 61% of Spaniards have basic elements of a growth marketing strategy used them at some point in their lives! with almost 39% using them several times a week or more. It seems that in 2025 we will see how these figures increase! and as a brand we recommend that you be prepared and adapt to your audience.
Users will increasingly start listening to the content of email messages instead of reading them. And so brands will start optimizing their email messages to adapt to this new trend. How? By structuring them in a way that voice assistants can easily read them! or even by including audio content in the message.
This is also very interesting because it will allow brands to interact with users via email while they are doing other activities and using the What email marketing hands-free device.
Emails become more interactive
Interactive emails are those that contain changsha mobile phone number list some type of content that reacts to the actions that the user performs on it. They are nothing new! but their use will be boosted by brands in 2025.
- Do you want to know the 165 digital marketing trends and predictions that will change the landscape of our sector by 2025 ? Click here and download the free interactive ebook that we have prepared for you with all the information.