The world and the economies Everything is kind of changing; everything’s restructuring Aaron (4426) And . that means there’s a tremendous tremendous amount of creation and entrepreneurialism that’s happening now that . we may not realize or appreciate for simonths or siyears but it’s happening So take . care of your business your money and your food and your family and such but . then practice creating whether it’s your voice in cold emails whatever it is you need .
Do I’ve Actually Been
To do I’ve actually been spending dubai cell phone number list a little more time drawing and I did some . writing non-work stuff ’cause that’s just where I feel drawn to right now alright? So . we’ve got a few minutes for some Q&A and in fact I don’t know if . Andy there are some questions in the question area that we wanna start with first . Andy (4509) There are yeah So thanks for that Aaron It was super interesting and .
Yeah I Really Liked the
Yeah I really liked the creativity piece at cold calling leads: the role of technology the end I think as a marketer . this was initially why I got into marketing; it was because of the creativity side . of things And then obviously I became very numbers focused and driven there but I . think these times offer a real opportunity to everybody I think And you mentioned about . the entrepreneurial spirit; you need to be creative And as I said before if you’re .
Not Busy Right Now You’re
Not busy right now you’re doing something belgium business directorywrong So it’s about focusing on the right . things of course but you need to react And I think that that creativity piece . is something that’s If you have that in you right now you’ll come out much . brighter at the end of this that’s for sure Aaron (4550) True yep It’ll help . you get through that day So a lot of people just if you can get .
Through That One Day to
Through that one day to the next that’s a win Andy (4558) Absolutely absolutely So . let’s go to the floor for questions I know that Dara just posted into the . chat there but if anybody has any questions please put them into the questions We . have some in the chat but please I’m gonna go to the questions tab here . just go through a couple here So Bob has asked “Have win rates increased because .